Huisman awards Constructors' Prize 2024 to first-year mechanical engineering students at TU Delft

On Wednesday 12 June, the Design Competition 2024 for first year students mechanical engineering at TU Delft took place. This year's theme was the 'box stacker', where the aim was to stack 25 boxes in the shortest possible time.

The constructor's prize is traditionally awarded by Huisman. This year's prize went to the WB103 group. Their design was praised for its clean, competitive and practical solutions. The winning group will receive a tour at Huisman, including a visit to the Huisman Innovation Tower (HIT) and the opportunity to demonstrate their design.

These competitions allow young talent to showcase their creativity and encourage collaboration and learning. Huisman believes that it is important to support these initiatives, to contribute to the development of future engineers and to ensure a steady supply of skilled professionals who are equipped for impact and technical challenges of today and tomorrow.