Fiber Rope System

Huisman developed a revolutionary system for the application of fiber rope in subsea deployment crane applications. The system includes a Hybrid Fiber Rope System which combines the advantages of fiber rope with subsea deployment, while the heave compensation is done with traditional steel wire rope systems.

Proper spooling of the sensitive fiber rope is done by Huisman’s well-known Traction Winch and Storage Winch setup, while Active Heave Compensation is done with a steel wire rope on a direct winch. The system is available in various capacities.

For traditional knuckle boom cranes, a 120mt and 200mt version is available, while the recently introduced Hybrid Boom Crane can be delivered with larger capacities of 400mt and 600mt. This can provide a significant step change in subsea deployment capabilities, as the full load is available at all depths. This way deployment up to 600mt is now possible at depths of 4,000m and beyond